03/12/2021 – ReSolutions Weekly

ReSolutions Weekly offers you in its March 3rd, 2021 its weekly selection of 10 articles selected, in agreement with their authors, for their interest and falling within the 3 areas covered by ReSolutions.

Through the dispatching of this weekly selection, we wish and hope to contribute to the dissemination of reflections and practices that we consider beneficial from entrepreneurship to economic and human development.

By clicking on the title of the articles that will catch your attention, you will directly access the full text of these articles in their original medium.

To receive regularly ReSolutions Weekly

In summary this week


1. Etes-vous au clair avec votre « m/vis(s)ion » organisationnelle ? »
(Caroline Durand, 06/03/2021, Dancause)
2. L’intelligence collective en entreprise.
(Agnès Menso, 07/03/2021)
3. « Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. L’anarchie sans le désordre »
 Interview de Thibault Isabel.
(Ronan Planchon, 05/03/2021, Le Figaro)
4. Inside 75 years of Lippincott’s iconic design, frome Campbell’s soup can to Coca-Cola’s Ribbon.
(Tim Nudd, 18/10/18, Muse by Clio)


5. Vous avez dit « Agile » ? Oui, mais fondamentalement !
(Louis Bruhl, 06/03/2021, RéSolutions)
6. The secrets to effective, efficient ideation.
(Adam Malofsky, 10/06/2019)
7. IA. Les formations dans les Grandes écoles répondent-elles aux besoins des entreprises ?
(Lamiae Benhayoun, Daniel Lang, 05/01/2021,The Conversation)


8. How to receive critical feedback in a breeze: Try CALM – « Curious Active Listening Mindset ».
(Takeshi Yoshida,  01/20/2021)
9. Ne vous acharnez pas à faire progresse vos collaborateurs !
(Jérôme Tougne, 10/07/2019)
10. De l’attention à l’intention d’apprendre.
(Denis Cristol, 18/11/2020, Thot Cursus)

Enjoy reading and welcome to « Your desired future resolutely »

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