03/25/2022 – ReSolutions Weekly

ReSolutions Weekly offers you its weekly selection of 10 articles selected, in agreement with their authors, for their interest and falling within the 3 areas covered by ReSolutions.

Through the dispatching of this weekly selection, we wish and hope to contribute to the dissemination of reflections and practices that we consider beneficial from entrepreneurship to economic and human development.

By clicking on the title of the articles that will catch your attention, you will directly access the full text of these articles in their original medium.

To receive regularly ReSolutions Weekly

In summary this week

1. Organisation : remettre l’ouvrage sur le métier.
Eric Delavallée, Questions de management, 14/01/2021)

2. Trust guidelines for CEO’s and board members.
(Barbara Brooks Kimmel, Trus accross america-trust around the world, 03/20/2021) 

3. Organisation design: Blog # 862, pandemic Q & A, and pressing pause.
(Naomi Stanford, 12/27/2021)

4. Les 5 qualités de l’entreprise idéale.
(Gaël Chatelain-Berry, 09/08/2921)


5. Stratégies systémiques de changement. Détourner l’attention de la tension.
(Dominique Bériot, 07/12/2020)

6. Entre stratégie et exécution la transformation en quête de cohérence.
(Marie-Hélène Morvan, 14/11/2018)

7. Comment passer du management directif au management participatif ?
(Arnaud Pottier, KM30, 17/02/2020)


8. Communication non violente : les fondamentaux.
(Maxence Walbrou,  Bloculus, 01/03/2022)

9. Quand l’idéal est un fardeau : l’exemple de la notion d’Occident.
(Philippe Silberzhan, 05/10/2020)

10. Ayez confiance !
(Philippe – Alexandre Grard, 07/10/2017)

Enjoy reading and welcome to « Your desired future resolutely »

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